


As a pioneer in the starch business for nearly a century

Starch, a product from mother nature has provided magnificent benefits to people's lives mainly as a food.

Founded in 1919, Matsutani Chemical Industry has been continuously searching for innovation in starch for over 90 years as a pioneer in the starch industry.

We supply a great number of products for the food industry where we strive to provide a safe and secure supply. We are recognized by all different kinds of industries and have built an excellent relationship with each over the years.

We have seen the starch business gradually shift from primarily industrial to food use over the years, and we are now beginning to see a rapid growth in the use of starch products for preventive medicine and for Foods for Specified Health Use (FOSHU).

We are living in an age that has an abundance of food. On the other hand, interest in products that help personal health is growing throughout the world to help prevent metabolic syndrome or life-style related diseases.

Business opportunities for our products in this area are expanding worldwide.

Product list of MSTSUTANI:

      ·QQ-1(Compound thickening agent)

      ·AM-1(Modified starch)

      ·N-5(Modified starch)

      ·PQ-2(Compound thickening agent)

      ·WM2(Modified starch)

      ·CPS-6(Modified starch)

      ·Fiboersol-2(Resistance to dextrin)
